Talent. Teamwork. Tenacity

Shift has outgrown its initial guise as a department of its parent agency CGR Communications to become a standalone Agency providing the suite of services now on offer. Our drive for new technology that enhances customer experience and operational digitization has put us on a development arc that continues to lead us into exciting new areas like messenger marketing. We continue to innovate and bring technology enabled solutions to our clients whilst being true to our core mission of integrating connectivity and automation that ultimately deliver results!

Shift Interactive was founded in 2019 by Jamie Ranston and Andrew Rousseau and is a wholly owned subsidiary of CGR Communications, one of Jamaica’s leading advertising agencies.


Jamie Ranston - Team Lead
aka Head Honcho
Michael Gustaffe - Lead Tech Support
aka Mr. Reliable
Toussaint Chen - Customer Success Associate aka Newbie
Richard Bowen - Lead Developer
aka Mr.Spock
Shara Walcott - Client Support
aka Mother Hen
Roger Mais - Bot Developer
aka Bot Guy

Shift Interactive is focused on accelerating technology enabled marketing, customer service and commerce.

© 2025 Shiftinteractive
Follow Us

Head Office

Shift Interactive
13 Haining Road,
Units 15 and 16,
Kingston 5, Jamaica

Contact Info

[email protected]
(876) 926-6019