The RF&G Hurricane Lisa Experience - Extended Version
Hear how our SocialHive platform helped them get through the Hurricane Lisa catastrophe. When SocialHive connectivity to their digital touchpoints and the AI automation of the virtual agent was a game changer!
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More than 2 billion people around the world use WhatsApp. For many of them, the app is not only the go-to choice for staying in touch with family and friends but, increasingly, it's also a place to connect with their favorite brands, ask customer service questions and shop.
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People are using messaging, businesses need to catch up
People communicate with each other through messaging. But while there are billions of interactions between people and businesses every day, many businesses are not giving people the opportunity to engage them with messaging. Despite a clear shift in behavior, many businesses are stuck in the past. It’s time for businesses to catch up with the times and follow consumers’ lead to messaging.
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Factbox: Big banks expected to rack up more than $1 billion in fines for WhatsApp use
Banking giants such as JPMorgan Chase & Co (JPM.N) and Bank of America (BAC.N) collectively face more than $1 billion in regulatory fines for employees' use of unapproved messaging tools, including email and apps like WhatsApp.
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Exclusively for the P&C Insurance Industry's Technology Needs
Insurance industry is rapidly evolving – more complexity with consolidations, startups, parallel market influences, changing customer demands, technologies, & a lot more. It takes a lot to stay on top of the game; most importantly to prioritize. While this trend is global in nature, there are always influences & dynamics that are specific to a given market, understanding of which is paramount to positioning & planning.
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The Virtual Insurance Agent
Companies worldwide will spend more than $400 billion on call centers in 2022,and insurance companies will be among the big spenders - all to deliver an experience to customers that no one would consider optimal.
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Don’t WhatsApp Me, I’ll WhatsApp You
When WhatsApp Business launched in 2018, it’s safe to say that many people feared they’d be inundated with promotional messages from businesses. Those fears have largely proven unfounded. That’s not because it isn’t being used either. According to figures from Sensor Tower, the app has been downloaded more than 26-million times.
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How to Become a Better Digital Advocate
If you have all the essentials to be a digital advocate, what else do you need to be effective? This is the first in a series of articles on this important topic. The intent? To empower you, a Digital Advocate, to become someone who can effectively implement your chosen solution.
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WhatsApp Business API services enhancing customers experience with secure instant messaging with brands
WhatsApp Business API services enhancing customers experience with secure instant messaging with brands WhatsApp Business API is now part of the set of messaging solutions to build and automate meaningful conversations between businesses and clients all over the world through WhatsApp, one of the most widely used messaging channels worldwide.
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