A trade audit system fully automates the process of data collection and in trade merchandiser processes using only WhatsApp! Our back end provides real time reporting and internal alerts to specialized teams for critical variances.




Frankie Chalifour

Director - Marketing and Development

Our entire retail trade audit function has been transformed using Shift Interactive’s messenger platform services. Our previously laborious and unreliable trade field operations are now efficiently handled by our 300 plus field operatives on their phones.

We get real time multimedia data on a wide range of trade functions in clearly visualized formats that have provided new insights and automated several functions within our team. Along with the Shift team we are continuously exploring other opportunities to deploy the technology within our business.


Shift Interactive is focused on accelerating technology enabled marketing, customer service and commerce.

© 2025 Shiftinteractive
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Shift Interactive
13 Haining Road,
Units 15 and 16,
Kingston 5, Jamaica

Contact Info

[email protected]
(876) 926-6019